The hydraulic cylinder РК157 is intended to control the working bodies of hydroficated machines and mechanisms. Hydraulic cylinders of the given type are widely used in mechanisms and aggregates of railway machinery.
Overall dimensions
Technical characteristic
Operating fluid pressure — 10 MPa (100 kgs/sm)
Hydraulic cylinder force by operating pressure
By rod pushing — 146 kN (14600 kgs)
By rod tugging — 98 kN (9800 kgs)
Rod stroke — 2 x 1000 mm
The construction of hydraulic cylinder represents two symmetrically arranged cylinders,
that allows to control two separated working bodies of the machine at the same time.
Admissible ambient temperature: from +50° to -40°C.
Climatic modification - mild, category of accommodation 1 according to GOST 15150.
Hydraulic fluid - mineral oils with a kinematic viscosity from 8x10-6 to 3500x10-6 m²/s (cSt) with a degree of refinement less than class 15 according to GOST 15216.